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Within the organization, we utilize certain terms that we believe should be defined in our words, thus pushing the idea of creating your own perspective.

Onyx /ˈäniks,ˈôniks/: A rare black stone that possesses the ability to absorb and transform negative energy as well as prevent the drain of personal energy.  The Onyx stone encourages individuals to increase their discipline as well as make wise decisions while in its presence.

Mold /mōld/: To shape one's perspective, to possess the ability to influence an individual mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.

Folk /fōk/: a clan or family of individuals who all share the same accord and looks after one another and the community they reside in.


Elder /ˈeldər/:  A respected member of the folk who is of older age that guides the upcoming generation. Qualities an elder should possess includes wisdom, practicality, leadership, etc. 

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